Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hello all,
Recently, I have noticed a distressing trend among younger programmers.
Actually it is a regression.
When listening in on some of the major projects that are out there for Linux, I have heard some of the younger developers say in response to how the app is compiles from svn, git. etc,...well if we fix that, it won't keep out the "lusers"
I thought most younger developers had relized the "old" out of date approach of linux as being a self centered self indulgent activity a useless and inappropriate mind set!!!
Apparenlty not!!
Well guys here's a bit of news for you!
It's fine if a hand full of you developers start coding a neat little application or even major application and keep it to yourselves. Then that mind set is fine, HOWEVER...once you put it out there into the public's hands it no longer is yours and becomes a responsiblility that you the developer have to take on. Most especially if it has swept across the linux community!!
you DO NOT have the right to just stop creating it.. or stop fixing it.
Unless you keep it private and unavaiable to anyone except your close friends.
We are in a period of time when Linux is making a real threat to the desktop market.
We cant have self centered developers deciding things and de-railing the hard work, money and time put into getting linux where it is today.
So keep your little apps to your self if you are not prepared for the responsibility of making it avaiable to the public!!


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